The Tuatha

    The quintessential faeries, from whom all fae derive, are the Tuatha de Danaan. They led to the enlightenment of Hy-Brasyl, and in their wisdom escaped the same fate by hiding beneath the burghs of Finach, later named Mileth. They are the fae who come to the call of summoning Gliocans, and are the first worshippers of the goddess Danaan, also known as Danu in their faery tongue. They are benevolent towards Aislings and mundane alike, but will fight dubhaimid if they come in contact with them. They possess equal strength in all elements, but are partial to light and athar, through which they flit on gossamer wings. They can be called upon at any time by a Glioca worshipper, and will gladly help any Aisling who beseeches their assistance.

    The Beansidhe

    Also known as the Banshee, the Beansidhe (translated as "Woman Faery"), of which there is only one, is well known throughout northern Temuair for her tormented cries. It is said that her scream foretells the final death of an Aisling or mundane. She has been sighted as a woman veiled in black, who treads on bare feet through the river woods north of Riona's inn. Her element is unknown, and she is a shy and otherwise silent woman.


    These benevolent faeries are perhaps more elves than anything else. They appear as little men in gaily colored suits who happily take upon themselves the task of adopting a house or cottage, and seeing that it is well cared for. They will also chase away evil fae who seek to come down upon your house. They are creag elementals, and seek to return the earth of the land back to whence it came, even if it means sweeping up. Legend says that these nocturnal creatures are called to bed by roosters, who some arrogantly believe crow only for the purpose of waking every Aisling in the village out of a sound sleep. *winks*


    These mischievous little male faeries are well known among all sheep herding families. They take delight in frightening the herds by waving their little red caps and playing pranks, like leaving gates unlatched and smearing mud across the sheep's coats the day before they are to be sheared. As the daughter of a shepherd, I myself have seen these little men running about at night for ages. The best method to keep them away is to hang iron bells around the necks of the sheep, not only for their protection (for all fae are known to dislike metals), but also so that, should the Buachailleen get to them and unlock the gates, they are easily found. Fortunately, as creag elementals, they will show up during a bad storm, but by then the sheep are sopping wet, so it doesn't matter anyway.


    These small fae work in the service of Aine, their patron faery-goddess, in the service of women and cattle. They are said to guide the cloven hooves of cattle away from molehills and thorn bushes, and ease the newborn calf's muzzle to their mother's teat. They guard women in the name of their goddess Aine, who was raped by an angry ancient mundane king, seeking to prevent another such occurrence. They burn with anger towards those who might harm a woman, and are of the element of srad.


    Have you ever laid in the grasses at night, watching the stars through the leafy treetops, only to find yourself watching soft yellow lights as they pass amongst the branches? If you have, you have probably seen the Dryads at play. These small faeries are rarely seen as more than dancing spheres of light, and thy are particularly fond of the highest willow boughs. These female fae are keepers of the secret tree magick, as they call it, where it is said that they can alight upon the ground and there a tree will grow. Ancient legends tell that it was they who created the huge eastern woodlands which lie not far from Mileth's borders. They are also often heard singing their odes to the trees and some say that their breathy songs are the origination of the winds, and that it is they who channel athar into fresh air.

    Flower Faeries

    These tiny, winged spring faeries live among the flowers of the faery glade, and are, unlike most other types of fae, totally disinterested in the acts of humans. Though they have often mimicked the Aisling dances and weddings, they are content to flit about on currents of athar and ride on the backs of honeybees from flower to flower. They come out in the spring in order to aid the spring goddesses in their creation of new life. They, like the Dryads, are fond of song, as well as white stalks of betony, drawn by their sweet smell. They've also been seen among the Mukhul civilization at the center of their Sevti glades, though there they go by the name of Pillywiggins.


    These pleasant wood elves are known for their masterful weaving skills, though they weave only for the pure enjoyment of it. They are earthbound creag elves, known only by their old manners of dress and the spinning wheels they keep in their pockets. They are masters of divination, and protectors of the wool stocks, so often known to catch afire in the dry summer season. Despite their benevolence, however, they will not hide the truth to their divinations, which may often come across as harsh and frightening. They are found often in enchanted woodlands, weaving both cloth and potent spells of earth.


    These tiny fae are known for one thing and one thing only: their sexuality. These small fae have long been known for their feminine wiles, often seducing wizards and witches for their own gain. There are many different kinds of nymphs, such as wood nymphs and water nymphs, sea nymphs, and tree nymphs. They may be of any element. In the ancient ages, before the ways of fae were fully understood by mundanes, men were plagued by these fae almost to the point of exhaustion. Many a faithful husband was scorned when his wife accused him of infidelity, when in reality he was simply plagued by these randy nymphs. It is common practice in modern times to repel these gossamer beings with a trio of bells on the back of the bedroom door of any male who has come of age. In addition, in the case of married couples, a small bottle of ash (an empty herb bottle will do fine) placed upon the windowsill closest to the husband's bed will keep any daring nymph from encroaching a wife's territory.


    These small, pointy-eared fae are notoriously carousing folk, often rejoicing for days the mere pleasure of existence and the return of spring flowers. These are most notably the fae who bless the proclamations of fae love. They peek out from beneath the flowers while Aislings are present, anxious to return to their delightful Pixie Faires. These fae are very natural folk, with only toadstool caps and the petals of blooming flowers to cover them. Ancient tales tell of pixie dust, the silver-gold dust that remains where they have been celebrating. It has been decided that this is their joyous confetti, thrown about during their revelry. They are of the element of athar, which they ride on translucent, almost dragonfly-like wings.


    Sylvan is the common name for the tiny faery horses kept by almost all different types of earthbound fae. There are Sylvan Nymphs and Sylvan Tuatha and Sylvan Pixies. Some are winged, like their masters, but most are miniature versions of common Temuairan horses. They have no element, but have been sighted in most every color of the rainbow, but are usually white. It has been said by some that they are able to sing as well as their faery masters, and tales speak of young men lured into the woods by their song, only to be found days later, gibbering with madness over their mistake.

    Will o' the Wisp

    These commonly hunted creatures have never been fully explained by faery scholars, and the fae themselves are stumped by their existence. It is unknown whether they are fae themselves or the lights of fae travelers too small to be seen, or even, when seen from a distance, to be the lights of Pixie Faires. Currently, their nature is unclear, but their element is srad, for at times they can be seen as a great lick of flame, if not the commonly seen sparkle.    

    From this basic crop of fae, all other spawned. The faeries of Mileth are the oldest and most clearly recognized races.
