We would like to thank all who entered. We enjoyed judging all of the entries. It was extremely difficult and was very close. So close that we decided to give 4 addtion clave awards. -Nexon Art Dept.


Aisling: Agrus, "The Battle of Temuair"

Kingdom: Diablerie, "Little Red"

Village: Arnelle, "Summoner's Wrath"

Clave: Ardis, "The Medusa Creant"

2nd Clave: Thao, "Young Hunters"

3rd Clave: Aiayna, "Vamistle gazing amidst the Shinewood Forest skies"

4th Clave: Xiaoyu, "Within Shadows"

5th Clave: UltraViolet, "Holy Divinity"


Below are some other notable entries:

Thank you to all who entered

Dakeri Timelock SaxyNite Aiden
VanMorgan Reiter Stormbow Kobea
Threshroge Senshi Kephex Tuarim
Ishen PurplFairie Minawa Roidy
Klaisya Nagius Jeshika Scarlet
Namimi CultMandolyn Spumoni Makera
Ailex Lsildur hubboe Rhonwen
Erizo Synthet Rowena Bludlust
Miabi Topeka IShallHeal DkPhoenix
Ivos Loveariddle Shotaiken Fleur
Sionice Rar JonnyTruant Scooper
AkaneTendo Maoh Railod Faladine
Samara Eilyn Uriana khazim
Komeera Chaple Succies Magdalen
MiIIaine Solanalein Nimoko Cogidubnus
Harmy Luelin Meridem Maive
Somn Lewginton Brokentears Sultra
Shinrou Dunny Deice Fallacy
Losiento Valethor Lilianah Lynxus
Dredlox Delen Hotaru KouryT
Senrial Astrilla Weakest Muirgael
  Jokar XanderStone  

Visit Egil in Abel to discover which mundane offers you your recognition, legend, experience, coins, and political clout. Village or greater recognized Aislings may teach classes in their recognized subject in Mileth College, which is just beside Glioca shrine. The Aisling-recognized gain a one mark of nobility. With additional marks, one may gain the most noble garments in all Temuair. Speak with Jean in Loures for details.

Some, but not all, of the works are posted in the Library of Loures archive ((online: Library)). Mundane Loures librarian Blaise requests that Aislings, winning Village or greater recognition, scribe their works at the Library of Loures, and any other library that they wish to. You must be recognized for a full Temuairan week ((one real-life day)) before you may write there.

Mundanes thank all Aislings that shared their spark of imagination.

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