Dark Ages Patron FAQ

I need help logging onto my character.


Is there a free trial?
Dark Ages software is free to download. Full download is about 15 MB, downloadable as a single file or in several parts.

You may play a 10-day free trial. Registration is not necessary for the free trial. If you would like to continue playing your trial character after the free trial, register an account.

Also, if you like mainland Asian mythology, you'll love this free download and free trial of Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds [Top]

Is additional software needed once I register?

No additional software is needed. [top]
When I logon to the game do I need a patron ID and password?
You need only your game character name and password. Your patron ID and password is generated when you register a paying account. It is used on our patron website to manage your account. [Top]
I have already played the trial. When I register an account can I continue to play my trial character?
Yes. Once your account is created you will receive a Patron ID and password through email. You use these to register your character to your account at the patron page, http://patron.nexon.net/da/ [top]
My child wants to play the game. Can I be assured s/he will not be exposed to objectionable content?
Parents may feel that some content within the Dark Ages is inappropriate for pre-teen players. In addition, while Nexon may, in its sole discretion, choose to act upon inappropriate use of "chat" and game play within the Dark Ages, it is always possible that, at any time, there may be language or other material parents may deem inappropriate for their children. You understand that Nexon has expressed its rules in this Agreement regarding appropriate game play; however, Nexon cannot guarantee that other Dark Ages players will not provide content or access to content that parents or guardians may find objectionable. Nexon does not, as a matter of policy, screen or "police" the content of the materials or communications transmitted by each Dark Ages player. [top]
I'm having trouble using your website
Usually when people have difficulty using our site it is because they are using an older version of their browser. Try downloading the newest version of Internet Explorer. [top]
How much does the game cost?
Enjoy a low rate of $9.95 per month. No sales taxes apply.
Can I register just one character?

Yes. You can register 1-5 characters on a Dark Ages account. The price is the same regardless of the number of characters registered. [top]

I already have a NexusTK account, can I just add Dark Ages to that account?

No, NexusTK and Dark Ages are two completely different games [top]

Where do I register?

http://patron.nexon.net/da/ [top]

I don’t have a credit card. Can I still register/renew an account?
Yes! Print out a registration form from the Dark Ages offline registration page. Fill it out and send it with your check or money order to the office. If you are renewing an account, please include your patron ID. Registration and renewal orders cannot be processed until payment is received. We also accept payments through Western Union Quick Pay. Please allow enough time for your payment to reach us so that your service is not interrupted. [top]
Something went wrong with my online registration.
Your account is not created, nor is your credit card charged until the registration process has been completed. You will know this when you receive an email with your patron ID and password. If something has gone wrong along the way, try again or email me for a registration form. Our system does not recognize special characters such as ‘ or /. Be careful not to use those characters when registering online. [top]
Can I remove a character from my account and use it at a later date?
No. Characters that are removed from accounts are immediately and permanently deleted from our database. They cannot be reregistered on any account. Please be very careful when removing characters from your account. [top]
Since I can have 1-5 characters on my account, can my friend and I share an account?
No. When you open an account it is only for yourself. The account and characters are non-transferable, and characters registered on the same account cannot play at the same time. See Dark Ages License and Service Terms Agreement [top]
What happens if I don’t renew my account?
Characters remain in our database for 30 days after expiration of the account, then are automatically deleted. I have no control over this, so if you want to keep your characters safe please be sure to renew your account before the 30-day period ends. [top]
My email address has changed since registering
Please contact us with your name, address, phone number and new email address so your account can be updated.[top]
Someone in the game is asking for my password. Should I give it to them?

No. Your character's safety is in your own hands.
Here are some suggestions for keeping your characters and your computer safe:

1) Do not share your passwords with anyone.
2) Use passwords that cannot be found in the dictionary and that are a combination of letters and numbers.
3) Do not use the same passwords for your characters that you use for other things, such as ICQ.
4) Do not download files from unknown sites.
5) Do not accept files from anyone you don't know and trust *in real life*. Many characters have been hacked due to a supposed "cheat code" that infects their computers with a virus called Back Orifice. This allows the hackers full access to their computer.
6) Don't give out your game character or patron password to *anyone*, not even anyone saying they are Nexon staff. Nexon staff will never ask for passwords, and if we did ever ask for personal information it would not be from within the game, but through email with a @nexon.net address.
7) Do not allow anyone access to your email account.

If you take precautions, you will not be in danger. Please be careful with your passwords and computer and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. [top]

I don’t understand a charge on my credit card statement.
Please send me the transaction date and amount for a prompt explanation. [top]
How do I cancel my account?
Accounts do not automatically renew. Unless you renew your account yourself, it will expire on its expiration date. Refunds are not provided.[top]
Can my subscription be refunded?
No. Nexon's policy is that all subscription puchases are non-refundable,
regardless of reason. [top]

I am from a country outside the US.
Payment for accounts must be in US dollars. Most credit card numbers can be processed; however there are some that are not recognized by our bank system. Banks can assist you with money orders that can be sent to our office. [top]
AOL users
Make sure your mail filters are off or set to accept mail from nexon.net. For more information, go to AOL keyword 'mailcontrol' (click the 'Keyword' button on the upper-right corner of your AOL screen). [top]
Why can’t Dark Ages always be free? Why is there no one-time purchase option?
Unlimited play per month for the equivalent of $0.33 (US) a day. We are a service as much as we are a game. We are committed to this service. Your patronage increases our quality of service. Our improvements don't stop here. They continue with the same commitment to founding the next generation of online entertainment. [top]
Why isn't Dark Ages funded through advertising?
You would have your fun interrupted almost every 60 seconds to see an advertisement. [top]
Can I play Dark Ages on my Mac?
No, Nexon games cannot run on Apple systems at this time. For detailed system requirements, please see http://www.darkages.com/download/main.html [top]
I lost my items, I can’t logon, and I’m having other technical trouble.
Please visit the Dark Ages Technical Support FAQ [top]
I have specific questions, concerns, and suggestions regarding the game itself.
Please visit the Dark Ages Game Support FAQ [top]
I have another account or registration concern, or this information did not answer my concern.
Email me, account, your account manager.


Nexon Inc.
2855 Kifer Road Suite 100
Santa Clara, CA 95051
408-988-6770 Monday-Friday 09:15am-5:45pm PST [top]