Contact Us

Use this form to get help with your Dark Ages account or registration, using the service, to report a bug, or to give us general feedback and suggestions.

Please be specific. You must provide all details before we can begin.

Account ID:
Your Email:
Game Server Name:
Your character name:

Date/Time and time zone of the incident:

Exact location of the incident:

Condition: Exact steps that triggered the incident.

Problem: What went wrong. Include messages.

Solution: What should have occurred.

Computer System
Please tell me about your computer system. Each computer is unique.
Web Browser:

It takes 3 to 5 business days for customer support to process your request. You can speed up your response by providing precise details. Resending a request, sending frequent requests, sending the wrong Category, or failing to provide details slows down our response to you.

Your message enters into a customer support queue. If your email address is invalid, our mail server must reject your message, so your request would not be received.

For instant support of common issues, please use our self-service support site (


Account ID: The Number you were given when you registered, such as D30001. If unregistered, leave blank.

Your Email: Email address in case we need to contact you for further information. If your email address is invalid, our mail server must reject your message.

Game Server Name: Game server you are referring to in this incident.

Your character name: Your character name on this game server that you are referring to in this incident.

Category: Please select carefully. Otherwise, the message will be sent to the wrong person, and the message will take several more days to be forwarded to the correct person.

Subject: Brief one-line description of the incident.

Date/Time: Example 2001/12/04 1:15 p.m. PST. Include time zone, because the time may vary at your location and ours. We cannot investigate the problem unless you isolate time to within 30 minutes of the incident.

Condition: Guide us, through your detailed description, to see what you saw. We cannot respond to the incident unless we can verify or replicate it. Preferably, listed as steps:

  1. This person did this
  2. then this
  3. finally this which triggered the Problem.

Problem: What went wrong. Please attach a screenshot. Please be specific in isolating the problem.

Solution: What should have occurred.

Computer System: Select the closest computer system option to your computer and connection. If this is not a tech support request or bug report, then you may leave this section blank.