Mileth Enhancements ... 99.08.10

Cedric, mundane burgess of Mileth appears in the Mileth Village Hall, making Mileth politics more convenient than traveling to Abel Tavern. Cedric, full of hot fire and intrigue teaches Aislings how to politically attack another Aisling at half the Clout cost. Attack for 10 costing only 5 Clout. Cedric, at the demand of demagogues and several Mileth citizens, will only allow experienced Aislings to give political support: level 11 or higher.

Mundanes build a second bridge across Mileth's brook.

Mileth mundanes claim East Woodlands. Mileth jurisdiction now includes the East Woodlands.

Cassidy, of Mileth's storage, learns and offers the art of hairstyling to Rogues. The convenient merchant's board makes finding a player hair-stylist easier.

At the demand of Mileth Demagogues, the Mileth Sgath Pit summoner, Kieran, is sworn to only summon Sgath at the demand of a Guard, Demagogue, or greater.

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