Current Modifications.
... 02.02.15
After a few rampages with the Sgrios Prayer with priests scarring a single character over and over again, a few adjustments to the whole scarring system have been made. These adjustments will be a little more in character and less of a gaming evil. The new Ranger justice will be released on Friday, 2/16/01. Their powers will include banishing Auto Hunters to a region where their abilites are not usable as well as jailing Aislings within the Loures Jail. The more times you are arrested, the longer you stay in the jail.
The announcement of the change to quests that would only check character's base level of statistics and not their level based upon items that they might have equipped is slightly false. The only area affected are Monk forms. The bug within the system that allows a Monk to abuse the forms to get free stat points has yet to be duplicated by Nexon so until it is learned exactly how it is done and thereby corrections can be made, the forms will require you to have a base 10 in all stats to perform it by yourself, or a base 5 to learn with a mentor.