Temuair Times: Issue 5 ... 00.08.25

Deoch 14, Summer

Nuadh Toiseach Holds Contest

Nuadh Toiseach will hold a "best poem" contest at the next Tulsi Brew story telling night. Harmonie and I, Callesto, will be the judges. All participants will receive a prize. The winner will receive a special gift from Nuadh Toiseach.

Rules - Only Non-Nuadh Toiseach members above insight 11 may participate. The poem must be original, imaginative, not very long or short, and must have to do with something inside Temuair ((IC)). Poems must also be kept to a family oriented nature. Poems containing vulgarity will be disqualified. ((Contest will be held Sunday, at 8pm Eastern Time in Piet Tavern))

Rucesion Judge Takes 12th term

Rucesion - Rucesion's first judge, Twila, has taken her 12th term as Rucesion Guard this past double-moon. It is very surprising to see an Aisling take a dozen terms as Judge. I find it amazing anyone made it this far through politics without having had all their hair turn gray from stress. When asked what she thought, Twila smiles and said "It's a big amazing. I can't believe it's been so long already, and I'm very honored. I'd also like to thank all the people who have supported me through the Deochs."

Crypt Tour Big Success

Mileth - The Crypt Tour to level 31 of the Mileth crypt was very successful. The Tour was hosted by Nuadh Toiseach with Matakku, Kiwi, and Harmonie as guides. The group composed of twelve aislings including the guides:

    Matakku, priest 90, guide and organizer
    Harmonie, rogue 99, guide
    Kiai, wizard 99, guide
    Earwen, lady warrior 99
    Garanit, rogue ?
    Bigpappa, priest 69
    Denork, priest 58
    ApocCalypse, priest 50
    LatentAura, rogue 37
    LiqHe, wizard 35
    Mustpri, wizard 33
    FireLance, warrior ?

As a precaution, all tourists that requested them were supplied with songs and Beothaich Deum to allow quick escape or rescue if things got out of hand.

The tour went without difficulty until level 17 when the first near death accurred. During the entire trip, there were only 5 near deaths, and no member of the group died or met Sgrios.

Sadly one member of the tour decided to leave the group on level 27, just 4 floors from the goal. Each of the eleven adventurers that stuck with the group and made it to the bottom received a Succubus Hair to remember the journey.

The guild is considering another tour to the Mileth crypt or perhaps Another location of interest, but no date has been released yet.

"Mundane Influenza" Infects Aisling

Piet - All throughout Temuair the past few Deochs, a new illness infected a number of Mundanes. The illness has been named the "Mundane Influenza", as it's symptoms are similar to that of the normal Influenza. It has 1 major difference - it causes blindness for a short period of time after the illness subsides. Up until this past moon, it was said to only infect Mundanes. The first case of Mundane Influenza occurred in Deoch 12, when it infected a mundane merchant in Undine. The most recent case reported was in Piet.

However, this strange illness infected a newly awakened Aisling. The Aisling wished us not to report his name. What we can tell you, is that this strange illness is currently being studied on through this Aisling. It is unknown yet if other Aislings should fear this illness.

Mundane scientists have reported to us that the Aisling had contracted the illness while still a Mundane, shortly before he awakened. They are currently studying the Aisling in hopes to find a cure for this illness. The Mundane Influenza is still said to only effect Mundanes.

Writers Wanted

The Temuair Times is accepting work from freelance writers. Please contact Callesto or Harmonie for guidelines on story submission.

Have news that needs to be heard, but you do not want to write it yourself? Please contact us so we can get one of our reporters on it right away.

Weddings and Anniversaries

Xilan and Lethalia will celebrate their 10th anniversary, this Deoch 14, winter. Congratulations!
